I'll be part of a virtual book tour for The Zombie Cookbook, edited by Kim Richards. I have two stories in it: "Wokking Dead," where zombies invade a Korean restaurant, and "My Big, Fat, Zombie wedding."
It's the Zombie Cookbook Virtual Book tour!
Check out the invasion schedule:
October 5 Virtual Book Tour de Net www.virtualbooktourdenet.blogspot.com info + tour schedule
October 5 Midlist Writer http://www.midlistwriter.blogspot.com review
October 5 It Came From Ryan's Brain; Goodreads http://theorangemonkey.livejournal.com/ review
October 5 Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1341280.Ryan_Harron review
October 6 New Book News http://doylebooks.blogspot.com/ information
October One Writer's Journey http://pennylockwoodehrenkranz.blogspot.com/ review
October 7 Unwriter http://unwriter1.wordpress.com/ review, interview
October 7 One Writer's Journey http://pennylockwoodehrenkranz.blogspot.com/ interviews
October 8 Virtual Book Tour de Net www.virtualbooktourdenet.blogspot.com interviews
October 8 Joyce Anthony information http://joyce-anthony.blogspot.com/
October 9 The Writer Apprentice http://novaham.blogspot.com/ Interviews
October 9 Lily's News, Reviews and Interviews http://lilyauthor.blogspot.com/ interviews +
October 9, 10, 11 The Writer Apprentice http://novaham.blogspot.com/ interview of ZC authors
October 9, 10 Joyce Anthony interview http://joyce-anthony.blogspot.com/
October 11 Joyce Anthony review http://joyce-anthony.blogspot.com/
October 12 Word of Fennatia http://www.worldofenantia.com/musesblock review
October 12 Virtual Book Tour de Net www.virtualbooktourdenet.blogspot.com review
October 12 Yes We Can! http://kbaccellia.livejournal.com/ interview
October 1: If You Give a Girl a Pen http://giveagirlapen.com/ Guest blog
October14 Chelle Cordero's XANGA Blog http://cce613.xanga.com/ Interview with Kim Richards
October 14 The Writers Chat Room http://www.writerschatroom.com/blog.htm guest blog
October 14, 8-11 pm Eastern: The Writers Chat Room http://www.writerschatroom.com/Enter.htm join the chat to talk about writing for anthologies
October 15 Kim Richard's Blogs http://kim-richards.livejournal.com/
October 17: If You Give a Girl a Pen http://giveagirlapen.com/ Review and Interview
October 17: Trent Kinsey http://www.trentkinsey.com/ Review
October 18 Rites of Romance Reviews http://rorreviews.wordpress.com/ information, reviews
October19 Chelle Cordero's XANGA blog http://cce613.xanga.com/ book promo
October 20 Virtual Book Tour de Net www.virtualbooktourdenet.blogspot.com wrap-up of reviews