Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SQUEE! New Banner

I've been thinking about a new banner for my website for a long time now. Ann Lewis, my dear friend made my other one with my logo and I love it, but like any style, it needed updating.

I knew I wanted something that reflected the idea of Fabianspace as well as the different genres I've written in, and I wanted something that was fun but also steadfast. (I'm a miser. I really don't want to buy a new banner when I put out another book!)

I asked several folks to give me some ideas and designs and Donelle Lacy (http://www.dversecreations.com/) came up with this beauty. I had such a squeefest when I saw it. It'll be going on my website soon, but I need my webmaster's help with that, so I put it on the blog for now, and changed the look of the blog to better match.

So what do you think? Especially, is the blog readable and are the colors OK?


T.W. Fendley said...

Love the banner, and the colors pop! Sets the mood without being over-the-top.

Walt said...

Sorry, wet blanket as usual--the design is great, but the color of the letters let them vanish (and no, I don't have a better idea).

Catherine Stine said...

Pretty cool banner! From a fellow BU author.

J.Q. Rose said...

I like it! Love the dragon..must be Vern..LOL..and the deep space look. Very cool.