Monday, March 17, 2008

Some fun looks at religion

Been having some interesting conversations about religion lately--from a deep discussion on the Catholic perspective of Heaven and Hell and who goes where (Short answer: Not up to us to say. We're here to put out the rules.) to a rather silly but heated discussion on whether extra-terrestrials can become nuns.

I'll talk more about the nuns issue later. Today, I'm up to my ears in work for the upcoming Catholic Writers Conference Online! (Sign up now! It'll be great!) So I'd like to leave you with two funnies based on the Bible:

The Gnostic writings of the Gospel for Cat Owners:

The Bible in Klingonese Project:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Karina. I've been a fan of The Door for many years.

Anonymous said...

... to a rather silly but heated discussion on whether extra-terrestrials can become nuns.

That's supposed to actually come up in our ISIG2 contribution (if The Sinister Minister can get the first draft to me). Our answer in that universe is "No, with Reservations" -- with the different biologies and psychologies, converting from one homeworld's/species' Revealed faith to the other often winds up with some really bad syncretic heresies. (The reason it's taking so long is this one's more of an idea story than an adventure with Goth Ferret in Space.)

-- Ken