Monday, October 11, 2010

Alex O'Donnell and the 40 Cyberthieves by Regina Doman

Summary (from Amazon)
: When his computer hacker dad discovers a secret website, Alex O'Donnell and his girlfriend Kateri become embroiled in a mystery that leads to sudden wealth, and murder. A modern retelling of the classic Arabian Nights tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.


My teenage daughter and I love Regina's Fairy Tale series, and 40 Cyberthieves doesn't disappoint. Although Regina calls it a technothriller, it's a refreshing change from the over-adrenalined, constant danger, singles-only novel you usually associate with the genre. The characters are ones you can relate to on an everyday level. In fact, I was feeling very in tune with Kateri as I cleaned house that day. However, the adventure is still engrossing, the romance strong, and the heroes just enough larger than life that you can enjoy a happy escape from reality.

Attention Government Regulators: I bought this book, and I'm not even counting it off as a business expense. It was entertaining and I want people to know it. So there. Nyah!

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