Thursday, November 10, 2011

Infinite Space, Infinite God II Wins an award!

Just got the cool news from Jan Verhoeff that Infinite Space, Infinite God II made the ACE Best Seller of the Month! Their award is based on reader reaction to the nominations, so I'm tickled since I didn't even know about it.

For those who don't know about the book, it's an anthology of 12 science fiction stories with Catholic characters or themes.  However, it's about exploring how faith helps someone become a hero rather than pushing the doctrine.  It's gotten a lot of terrific reviews from Catholics and non-Catholics, and is a great book for folks who like clean science fiction with a unique angle.

Learn more at  and order from Amazon.

Congratulations to all the contributors, and a big thanks to the readers of ACE Writers!

1 comment:

Walt said...

It is a seriously good collection of stories--not a sour note in the symphony. And it's available for Kindle.