Monday, January 17, 2011

Review of The Muse by Fred Warren

Summary: Stan Marino needs a muse. He's written himself into a corner...again. A shot of inspiration is all he needs to finish his story ...where is he going to find it? What Stan doesn't know: Inspiration has found him. And it's about to take over his life. Ripped from reality, he must lead a band of lost souls in a life-or-death battle with a merciless enemy. Stan has found his muse, but will he survive it?

My Review: I was curious about this one, because I know Fred and have enjoyed his short stories, so Grace Bridges, publisher at Splashdown, gave me a copy. I devoured it in a day.

A delightful, light read. I read it in a few hours, mostly because I did not want to put it down. I loved the juxtaposition of the ordinary lives of writer-aspirants with the supernatural element of a muse addicted to their creative energies. The characters you could recognize from your local B&N coffee shop. I had to wonder at the way our heroes escaped the evil Muse’s clutches, but I don’t want to give any spoilers except to say that it didn’t pass the logic test for me. However, it did make for a delightful romp and a nice conflict in the end. And, I did shed a tear at the end—but you’ll have to read to see why. (No spoilers.) Fred has the ability to touch the heart as well as tickle the funny bone. I recommend The Muse for anyone looking for a pleasant diversion.

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