Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Novel's Journey--on Hold. Bad week

Been a bad week, and I had a long blog about all the stuff, good as well as bad, that happened.  Then I erased it because really, with all the good things in my life, I should not be whining.  So, this is and isn't' a novel's journey, but here are the good things going on in my writing life:

1.  Twilight Times is going to re-release Infinite Space, Infinite God I with a new cover!  If you'd like to get one with the old cover--soon to be a collector item, I'm sure!--e-mail me instead of going to some Amazon third part who wants an outrageous sum.  I have 40 copies left that long to be read!

2.  30+ people were kind enough to tag Live and Let Fly this week, which jumped the Amazon rank by nearly 100,000 to 40,000 or wowmillion books.  (It's back down to somewhere past 100,000 now.)

4.  I wrote a couple of cool scenes that are getting axed, but I came up with some fun new characters:  Petal and Leaf are pixies who drive a cab.  Not sure where they'll fit in, but they feel like the need a role.

5.  I'm canceling my Housekeeping for Writers Class because of low registration, but I'm going to do something low key and free in its place.  I want to Spring Clean, and I'm betting there are some authors out there who feel the same.  More on this later.

6.  I got 100 more people liking the DragonEye, PI FB page.  Vern will be posting more regularly there, mostly cartoons, quips from the books and stories, and some snarky comments.  If you aren't on his page yet, head over to and LIKE Vern & Grace.

As for all the bad stuff, let's just say that in the grand scheme of things, it's all inconsequential, but it is making me rethink some aspects of my writing.  I'll share more when I've come to some decisions.  right now, I'm going to do a little soul searching.

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