Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Rejection

This is one of those days when it stinks to be a writer. Got one rejection; got another who said the story I sent wasn't contemporary enough for their anthology, but could they have it for their e-zine? Payment: a copy of a future magazine.

I want to cry. I want to rant, but would just be self-pitying and accomplish nothing--and isn't fair to the agent or editor who wrote me. I'm not mad at them; they're doing their jobs to the best of their ability, and are very kind besides. I just want to know what secret ingredient I'm missing that will get my work in paying magazines and on the shelves of B&N. I am arrogant to think I'm good enough--but am I really so wrong?

I'll keep at it. Write. Polish. Submit. Repeat. I love what I'm doing, and I love my characters. In the meantime, I'll keep hoping the secret--or the bit of luck--will come my way.

But now, I'm going to walk the dog then come home and write about zombies. That should cheer me up.


Walt said...

"Not contemporary enough." I got to admit, that is a new one (I suppose that IS contemporary). Guess you'll just have to stop sending in manuscripts in Latin...or else submit to someone with more taste than just that in their mouth. Keep pitching, at least you've got the idiots ducking.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know what secret ingredient I'm missing that will get my work in paying magazines and on the shelves of B&N.

Two Words:

(Last time one of my spies was inside a B&N, he said that all the prominently-displayed fantasy up front was Zombie Apocalypse (where the Zombies win) and Vampire Romances (sparkle sparkle sparkle).)